Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Just glancing through some pictures this morning and thought I would share these fun ones of "my boys" as Anna calls them. It's so cute in her bossy little voice she will tell them to come here "my boys" or ask where they are. We call them "the boys" often and so I am sure that's where she got it from. Anyway, here our "my boys" eating cake at a friends birthday party! I love how much Jonah is into that cake on the fork!! They are finishing their last week of school. Dan was saying this morning how it's kind of sad when he dropped them off that they are so confident with themselves at school now. When we first started school it was hugs & kisses before they were off and we even had to walk them to certain points in the building. But now they jump out of the car wave good-bye and hi-five the school workers as they walk into the building knowing exactly where they are headed. It's a happy/sad picture all at the same time. Sad because they are growing so quickly and happy because they are confident enough to head into school knowing where they are headed for a day of fun & learning. We are so proud of our boys! They are both great students and well behaved students (which is a relief for any parent who sends their kids off, not knowing if they will push the teacher the way they push at home!!). Elias has his kindergarten graduation on Thursday and will be headed to the first grade. He joined cub scouts & goes to Kids Connection, our Wednesday program at church for the grade school kids. And Jonah is finishing pre-k headed straight to kindergarten and can't wait for the day he can head to Kid's Connection & Cub Scouts with his brother! It's been a hard year for him being left out of those "big kid" things but...in just a few short months he will be right there with Elias! It's a happy & sad time in our house.
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