Thursday, May 29, 2008
Some More graduation
We are SO proud! I could help but chuckle at him doing this. It was also funny watching him try to sing the songs while he was scanning the audiance of 300 people to find his family. And when he found us he was over come with a smile and began to firecly wave. It was very sweet!!
My family I am so proud of!!
Our Graduate
Elias & his teacher(we think the best one ever!!) Ms. Krystal Heffington
Elias recieving his diploma.
Elias recieving his diploma.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Baby Back Fat
This outfit did wonders for Elizabeths love handles, back fat, and cute belly! I had to show off her adorable rolls. How come we wouldn't think an adult in the 95% for their weight looked cute in a tight halter top and jean shorts. In fact we would have some choice thoughts about her! But...look at that cute baby girl with her neck & upper back rolls and her cute little love handles and the rolls on the thighs & arms. Shes so "squishy" as my good friends the Grinns would call her! I kept looking at her yesterday thinking I needed some pictures of this. So here you go...Enjoy her cute rolls!!
Just some fun pictures
I love this picture!! Aren't they so adorable. And Elias is so loving with his sisters. Of course if Anna is moving in his GI Joes he's not so loving, but normally he is.
Jonah was helping vacuum while Elias and Anna were getting pictures taken. And this was all volunteer work not child labor! :)
New Blue Cast
This was the new blue cast I got last week after my dark blue one got wet. We go back today and mommy is hoping they will remove it all together! We'll see!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Just glancing through some pictures this morning and thought I would share these fun ones of "my boys" as Anna calls them. It's so cute in her bossy little voice she will tell them to come here "my boys" or ask where they are. We call them "the boys" often and so I am sure that's where she got it from. Anyway, here our "my boys" eating cake at a friends birthday party! I love how much Jonah is into that cake on the fork!! They are finishing their last week of school. Dan was saying this morning how it's kind of sad when he dropped them off that they are so confident with themselves at school now. When we first started school it was hugs & kisses before they were off and we even had to walk them to certain points in the building. But now they jump out of the car wave good-bye and hi-five the school workers as they walk into the building knowing exactly where they are headed. It's a happy/sad picture all at the same time. Sad because they are growing so quickly and happy because they are confident enough to head into school knowing where they are headed for a day of fun & learning. We are so proud of our boys! They are both great students and well behaved students (which is a relief for any parent who sends their kids off, not knowing if they will push the teacher the way they push at home!!). Elias has his kindergarten graduation on Thursday and will be headed to the first grade. He joined cub scouts & goes to Kids Connection, our Wednesday program at church for the grade school kids. And Jonah is finishing pre-k headed straight to kindergarten and can't wait for the day he can head to Kid's Connection & Cub Scouts with his brother! It's been a hard year for him being left out of those "big kid" things just a few short months he will be right there with Elias! It's a happy & sad time in our house.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Okay, Aunt Becky, here's that picture reposted bigger! Enjoy!! I think this is such a sweet picture of Anna. It captures the sweetness in her personality. Of course lately she has been displaying the opposite of that sweetness but maybe I just need to print this picture so that I can remember how sweet she really is and that this phase of 2-ness with pass.
Look Alikes
Okay, so lately I've been trying to remember what my babies looked like and who favors whom. (i think it's whom...sorry not an english major) So I have been planning on finding pictures of all the kids at about the same are some of my favorites, they are all around 6 months old in these pictures. From the top left, Anna (first two pictures), Jonah (next 3 pictures), Elias (two pictures), and Elizabeth the last two. They all look different and yet the same. It's an amazing thing to see what the same two parents can do with the gene pool. Here's our beautiful babies, I am a little sad that they are slowly growing.
ps. sorry to those of you who look at our blog that i suggested no one looks. I am glad I don't do this in vein and that you love my kiddos enough to check them out. :)
ps. sorry to those of you who look at our blog that i suggested no one looks. I am glad I don't do this in vein and that you love my kiddos enough to check them out. :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
6 month stats!
Okay, so we've posted a few pictures this 6th month but we've finally gotten her height & here goes. She is 19lbs (95th%) & 26.5 inches long(75th%) & I think her head was 16.75(50th%). Anyway, I was surprised by her weight. I knew she was heavy but I didn't realize how heavy!! I love rollie babies! She was called "juicy" several times today, which is a funny term! A few things she has started doing this month, she rolls everywhere, she can sit up now, she is getting on her hands and knees and rocking(! ahh!!), she LOVES her daddy, whenever he is in the room she follows him around with her eyes it's the cutest thing! She's not completely mobile but she is definitely starting to get round. She has also started solid foods, she seems to like them pretty well, but she makes a HUGE mess. Elias said today that he was sad that Elizabeth wasn't a little bitty baby anymore! (such a sweet boy!) I can't think of other things right now but I am sure there is something I am missing. Must go feed the heavy baby! She's starting to complain that she's hungry.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sweet girls
Alright, captions from left to right starting at the top...Elizabeth is "rocking" now and will probably take off in the next few weeks on those knees of hers. Anna being cute and modeling her new cabinet in her newly arranged "woom" (that's room, not womb in 2 year-old language). Elizabeth sporting a new do per Anna (she's already trying to dress her little sister up!). And the last one is of Anna modeling a dress my grandma bought for her birthday. (as you can see she has assumed her post on the wall by the fire place, that's where she has to go when I tell her I want to take her picture!) Just wanted to share my sweet girls with you all. (I don't really even know who looks at this thing, for all I know I could be rambling on and on about my children and not have anyone look...but for those of you interested...enjoy!)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hi liter + A&D + a 2 year old= Mess
Didn't I just say there is never a dull moment around here? Today Anna was playing and collecting "eggs" in her easter basket while I was doing laundry. I didn't know that among those eggs was a blue hi-liter. As I was doing laundry and enjoying the peacefulness of a two year-old playing alone, she was over there coloring all over herself! We ended up with a blue chin and blue arms. It could have been worse and been on the furniture or walls or even more on her body. So we got away with minimal damage. And then...She took a nap! Which she hasn't done very well this week. (apparently she's one of those kids who react to antihistamine by not sleeping!) Anyway, I learned finally after 3 days of no nap that there was a connection. So she went down fine slept for several hours. And then I heard some commotion. But she didn't cry or pull on the door to get out, so I assumed she went back to sleep. (I had a middle school teacher who taught us a great rhyme about assuming in point today!) So when I finally heard muffled screams coming from her room, I headed back to her room on the far side of the house and as I made it into the dining room I smelled the wonderful aroma of A&D ointment! Yep, you can probably figure out what she did from there. She decided that she needed some medicine all over her body! Apparently that diaper rash made it's way from her head to her toes and even down to the carpet. For those of you who wanted pictures I am sorry. All it looked like was wetness on her shirt & greasiness on her hair. Here are a few in the tub. As with the blue marker, it could have been worse. I think I got it all cleaned up and there is still a smell emanating from the back side of the house and a little grossness left in her hair. (it looks like her mother doesn't bathe her!) Oh yeah, and as long as none of you turn me in...the muffled screams were coming from her closet. Apparently she got herself locked in there some how. She was pretty freaked out. I am not sure she will do that again! Especially because of the look on her face seemed to indicate that she had been in there for at least a full minute, which I am sure felt like a lifetime to her!!

And for those of you who haven't heard the story of Jonah and the peanut butter, I am afraid for myself that we will be visiting that scene again sometime only with a girl starring this time. (for those of you who haven't heard or seen the results of a jar of Jiff & a little boy, I'll have to post a blog about that sometime soon. it's a great story!! even greater b/c I was across the country when it happened!)
And for those of you who haven't heard the story of Jonah and the peanut butter, I am afraid for myself that we will be visiting that scene again sometime only with a girl starring this time. (for those of you who haven't heard or seen the results of a jar of Jiff & a little boy, I'll have to post a blog about that sometime soon. it's a great story!! even greater b/c I was across the country when it happened!)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I love my family
This was a picture from last weekend, we went to a lake to go swimming and hang out with some friends but it started storming about 2 minutes after this picture was taken. So we hung out in the picnic pavillion and then played in the wet sand for a few minutes and headed for the house. But it was a nice few minutes while it lasted. I thought I would share this picture because it made me smile to see all of these people who are connected to me in one picture. It's amazing how you can love so many people so intensely. Just wanted to share 5 of God's blessings in my life!
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