Monday, April 28, 2008
No Camo
They didn't have a camoflauge option for a cast so he settled for his favorite color-blue! He was a little disappointed that they didn't carry camo. You would think living in the south, since people can get camo on their trucks, clothes, hats, and just about any other item they would have camo casts. I may need to suggest them adding that to the color options. (is camoflauge even a color?) Okay, so here is our new blue friend for the next 4-8 weeks. The doctor made it sound like we might be in this for the long haul. We will see, I am praying that we will only be in this for a shorter amount of time. Because if any of you know our Jonah, he may make me crazy trying to keep him from further injury in this cast. He can't ride his bike, I won't let him run around, or jump off of anything. All three things are favorite past times for him. So instead we are dealing with a wound up child who has no way to exhurt his energy. Yep, I might be crazy come June. If any of you has any suggestions on how to harvest the energy or pass the time for him let me know!! And yes that picture is taken of him standing on his top bunk! I'm telling you it's going to be impossible to contain this child for that long!
Have you seen a sweeter cowboy? This sceene when I walked in was so sweet to me that I had to run and grab the camera to capture it. It kind of reminded me of the little boy from Hope Floats who always wore different costumes. He's so cute, it makes me want to cry looking at the little face change into a big boy each day! I've been kind of emotional lately about the kids growing up. I need to get ahold of myself.
And of course this one was out in the other room sporting the ball cap not knowing I was pining over his brothers hat. And when I saw him, I just had to capture the pretty face. I know some of you are probably tired of reading how I think my kids are pretty but...they are! :) By the way, I am sure you noticed the mess in the back ground-I NEVER let them destroy it like this anymore. And since Jonah can't really play outside he has resorted to digging through the closet and completely emptying it. AHH, it's going to take me a whole day to clean this up. Anyone need any little boy toys?
And of course this one was out in the other room sporting the ball cap not knowing I was pining over his brothers hat. And when I saw him, I just had to capture the pretty face. I know some of you are probably tired of reading how I think my kids are pretty but...they are! :) By the way, I am sure you noticed the mess in the back ground-I NEVER let them destroy it like this anymore. And since Jonah can't really play outside he has resorted to digging through the closet and completely emptying it. AHH, it's going to take me a whole day to clean this up. Anyone need any little boy toys?
A Pretty Bunch!! (if i do say so myself)
These are our friends girls! They are pretty!! Just wanted to share this picture. It's funny to try to get 6 kids to smile and look the same way all at once. Elias almost stood up and dropped Elizabeth when they were done. :)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Never a dull moment
I really want to post some 6 month pictures of Elizabeth. She turned 6 months on the 23rd and I cannot believe some how half of a year has passed us by already. I am kind of sad as I watch this baby slip further away from infancy. I mean I know she is probably still considered an infant but you know she's not that sweet, yet limp, little thing we just brought home ( and in her case somewhat yellow). :) She is plump and rollie and a sweet as ever. She started rolling over a while ago and now she is starting to scoot around the room. We can no longer lay her in one spot and return to see her there. She pushes chunky little self up and back on her knees, but she cannot support her own weight and ends up pushing backwards. It's cute to watch. I am most saddened by the discovery today-she has a tooth! Yep, her first tooth. I found it this morning. I didn't even know she was teething and now it's there! I told Dan with tears in my eyes that our baby is growing to quickly and I want to freeze time. It's funny how knowing she's my last baby has made each milestone that much harder to take.
Ok, so here's my reason for not being up to posting pictures at this late hour. We've been dealing with lots around here. Besides the chaos of having four kids ages 6 & under, our sweet Jonah broke his arm last night! I am sad because we were playing at the park and I was pushing him on a swinging thing and he fell to the ground. So we will go pick out a cast color on Monday, I am sure it will be camouflage since that is his favorite "color"!! (i have also been reading a book series and that has kept me from doing lots of being having the energy to post some pictures. It's calling my name right now...I must go read so I can finish it and be back to normal for my next week!! or else dan will throw it out. He keeps hiding it when I am not looking. ) Keep our free spirited child in your prayers for the next few weeks. I am sure being in a cast won't slow him down much but he won't be able to ride his "bike without training wheels" for a little while, which I think hurt him more than the actual fall. I will post pictures of his cast and a few of Elizabeth as soon as I finish my book. :)
Ok, so here's my reason for not being up to posting pictures at this late hour. We've been dealing with lots around here. Besides the chaos of having four kids ages 6 & under, our sweet Jonah broke his arm last night! I am sad because we were playing at the park and I was pushing him on a swinging thing and he fell to the ground. So we will go pick out a cast color on Monday, I am sure it will be camouflage since that is his favorite "color"!! (i have also been reading a book series and that has kept me from doing lots of being having the energy to post some pictures. It's calling my name right now...I must go read so I can finish it and be back to normal for my next week!! or else dan will throw it out. He keeps hiding it when I am not looking. ) Keep our free spirited child in your prayers for the next few weeks. I am sure being in a cast won't slow him down much but he won't be able to ride his "bike without training wheels" for a little while, which I think hurt him more than the actual fall. I will post pictures of his cast and a few of Elizabeth as soon as I finish my book. :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pretty Faces

We took the kids to sears last night and got pictures taken. First let me just say, they were complete ANGELS!! I never imagined that it would go so smoothly. I think we waited for the girl to finish up the photo's longer than it took us to get everyone sitting and smiling all at the same time. Elizabeth got a little tired of it towards the end, but I love the way the pictures turned out. These are my favorites with the enhancements that we got on them and I just LOVE these pictures. Elizabeth looks like her big sister and big brother (elias) so much. And the one of Anna in the chair is just way to precious. I love it. And the one of all four of them, when I looked at it last night, and again today, my heart swells with love and pride for those four beautiful babies that belong to me!(and dan) Enjoy!! I'm off to spend some with half of those kids while they are happy!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Beach
Our camping trip last week was to a state park that was on the beach. Here are some pictures from that trip. The kids really loved the beach and playing in the sand. Of course our kids have been quite a bit and don't mind the sandy grit wherever it ends up. We had a great time playing in the sand and burying each other. Dan got buried all the way to his neck but I didn't think to take his picture. It was funny though b/c Anna kept sitting on him and wiping sand on his face. Anyway, it was fun and I have been planning all week to post some beach pictures and am just now getting to it. If you click on the picture it will open bigger and you can see the pictures better
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
We went camping for two nights last week. The kids had spring break and my sister, Heather & her husband, Mike, came up and went with us. There were 5 kids and 4 adults a little crazy with the kid/adult ratio. But everyone was great and had fun! If you can get passed the biting bugs & the raccoon invasion. The campground was on the beach so we were able to take the kids to the beach to play. It was nice to have something to do besides sit at the campsite and play in the dirt there. :)We had a great time and hopefully made some great memories for our kids. The little boy who looks like ours only with brown hair & brown eyes is my nephew Isaac.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Pretty Baby
I just wanted to share a few sweet faced pictures of Elizabeth. She is a little over 5 months old now and is fitting into our family nicely. We are really enjoying watching yet another little personality develope. I know it's a little early to know for sure what she will be like but if the preview we have had so far is telling of what's to come I am looking forward to it. For a few minutes of bragging...she is still a sweet, good baby. She still rarely cries and has settled into a nice routine. She sleeps about 12 hours each night and wakes in the morning about the time the boys leave for school and eats, plays for a little while and then takes a nice long morning nap. She sleeps long enough that I can do chores, spend a little time with Anna, and whatever else has to be done. She wakes up in time to spend a little time with Anna and I before Anna takes a nap. And then she eats again and takes an afternoon nap. Then she gets up and plays again, is ready to eat and go to bed about the same time as everyone else. Her schedule is wonderful right now and makes thing rather easy for me. I am thankful to the Lord for the blessing of an easy going baby and one who just goes with the flow. I guess when you are the 4th though you have two choices, be happy and sit in your seat, or cry and sit in your seat! Thankfully she is happy most all the time. Right now, she loves her exesaucer and also laying on the floor. She got a little extra time on the floor this week and figured out how to roll over. It's cute to watch her "carpet swim"! I think she could win the olympics sometimes as quickly as her arms and legs move. I don't have any current stats on her size but everyone who has seen her says she is really growing. Well, I guess I will stop for now before a few of you turn off your computers.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Getting Wet & dirty
Who said only boys like to get down and dirty? "watch this mommy!" "ready mommy!?!""Come on daddy!!" These were the squeals coming from Anna the other night. Dan was washing the car (we have been semi-kid free, the boys are spending half their spring break with Dan's mom, so we only have the girls around and feel quite free and a little lonely{maybe even a little bored}) with Anna's help. She was a little help but more than anything she was just having fun getting wet & dirty. It was fun watching her run through & listening to her excited squeals!
First Cereal
Elizabeth had her first bites of cereal the other night with Anna's help, as you can see! She seemed to enjoy it alright but she did gag when Anna shoved the spoon down her throat. I don't think I'll give her that much freedom with the spoon again. :) Elizabeth also rolled over yesterday. So everytime she gets on the floor it's to her tummy she goes.
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