Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 30, 2008
One Year Old

Elizabeth is now 1, she's walking, babeling, eating table food, climbing, drinking whole milk, and does lots of exploring. I find her following me around the house just to see what's going on. She's still pretty quiet but will let you know when she's unhappy about some thing. All in all, she's been a great 4th baby and I am proud to have her as mine. I cannot wait to see how she turns out to be as she continues to grow and change. I have mixed feelings about her growing up, I am happy to see the changes and freedom that come in having your babies grow a little but sad to see these "baby" times pass us by not to be revisited.
Happy brithday sweet girl! We love you so!
(her stats for her 1 year check, 24lbs 8oz, 29.5 inches)

My sweet Jonah helping Elizabeth check out her cake. He's such a good big brother. He's thoughtful and kind and concerned...most of the time. Occasionally he doesn't want to be bothered but I really like the love you can see in him in this picture!
I also like the picture of him with the football at the end of a day of cake, presents, pumpkin bombs (don't worry they were fake pumpkins) and tackle football in the hay bales he was worn out. I love that little boy so! And then there's Anna with her infectious smile being silly. She was riding a broom around as a horse. I really love how my kids are silly and loving and love life. They are fun to be around, if I'm honest I should add-most of the time!
It's My Party
Elizabeth was quite into her gift and wanting to check things out. It was very cute, I think she might have been the first of our kids to want to see what was in the bag and get her hands on it!
You have to love a baby cake face on the first birthday! How come we can't do that when we are 30? Maybe I should try that next year! The picture below are the kids who were at the party with us. We had an outside party which was nice, I look forward to all of the fall things we can do for Elizabeth's future parties.
You have to love a baby cake face on the first birthday! How come we can't do that when we are 30? Maybe I should try that next year! The picture below are the kids who were at the party with us. We had an outside party which was nice, I look forward to all of the fall things we can do for Elizabeth's future parties.
Kissin' Cousins
We had Elizabeth's birthday party this past weekend and these are some of the sweet cousins that were with us. My brother's kids couldn't be there with us and were grately missed but...the cousins that did get to hang out had a great time! In fact Issac didn't want to leave and had to be chased to the car. (cute to me but probably not heather!)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sewing Project
Today I made my girls a dress. It was my very first sewing project that I embarked on my own. They are called pillowcase dresses. They are super simple and so cute. I will have to fine tune them a little. Anna's is a little bit on the big side, and as you can see Elizabeth is not as petite as I thought. :) So I will probably pass it along to my new niece that is coming in November. (her name is Abigail) So to all my friends with girls out will probably be getting these for Christmas, or birthdays or just because they are cute. And any of my friends with boys, I will be happy to make you one too but...I'm not sure how the daddy's will feel. Also if any of you want to purchase one, well we'll have to see about that. I don't know if I feel quite that confidnet yet. I was proud of my accomplishment and thought I would share with you!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
First Soccer Game
We had our first soccer game tonight. Our team is the black team. Elias and Jonah are able to be on the same team, and Dan is their coach. It's a fun family time for us. Of course some times I wonder about our sanity since we are going to spend time with lots of other kids, Dan trying to get a group of 5-8 year olds to pay attention to him and I am trying to keep my 2.5 year old & 1 year old from getting eaten alive by bugs and from getting restless as we watch what is going in. And we call it fun! :) What are we as parents thinking?
Okay, as for the pictures, I'd like you to take special notice of the pictures and see how Jonah started out with his shirt on correct and then the 7th picture (i think that which one it is) he is turning his shirt around to put it on backwards. (not too sure why he did this, and why he waited until the whistle blew to start changing it) And then in picture #9 you can see his sleeve with no arm and they are all running! The reason the kids are sitting on the side was because our team had more kids than the other one. They did well out there running after the ball. We seem to have a good team but it's hard to get them to kick the ball in the goal! As you can see in the last two pictures they were doing something because they were sweaty!! Watch for more pictures as the season wears on.
Sharing with my dad
I got to share a popsicle with my dad the other night! It was lots of fun, and daddy was nice enough to let me eat most of it. Don't you think I have the best daddy in the world? Who shares their favorite thing, but a daddy with his little girl.
Anna has been completely in love with her daddy these last couple of weeks. She always wants him to do things for her and wants to know where he is and what he's doing. It's cute! I am wondering if this popsicle sharing had something to do with it.
Anna has been completely in love with her daddy these last couple of weeks. She always wants him to do things for her and wants to know where he is and what he's doing. It's cute! I am wondering if this popsicle sharing had something to do with it.
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