Our First Grader

Our Kindergartener

The brothers lovin' that they get to be in the same school. Elias has been so proud to tell people that Jonah is his brother and they are going to the same school now. It's been neat to watch him take on the role of BIG brother and care taker of the younger kids.

As you can see Anna had to hop in the picture of the boys for their first day of school pics. She must have asked me 100x's that day "where are my boys?". They seemed to enjoy their first day and I was sad that they are both old enough to be in grade school now. Although I can't lie it was nice to have a quieter house. I wouldn't say it was any neater b/c Anna and Elizabeth do a pretty good job of making things messy. I am looking forward to this year as Elias and Jonah learn new things and explore the world of elementary school academics. Elias has real big kids books and Jonah will be learning numbers, letters and how to read. Anna and I will enjoy spending time playing together, maybe doing crafty things and teaching Elizabeth new tricks. I am sure I will be updating regularly on their new world of school.
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