Saturday, June 28, 2008

My guys

We really enjoyed our vacation. It's not easy or really what I would call relaxing to vacation at a beach condo with 4 kids. But it was fun, and relaxing in the sense that we didn't have to go anywhere or do anything but be together. The kids had fun waking up to cartoons, knowing that soon they would get to go play in the pool & the sand & have thier parents undivided attention. (when I say undivided I mean, only family focused because it seems impossible to have undivided attention with 4 kids) :) But that is the joy of growing a family. Your attention is focused all over!! Back to our days, then we would play in the pool and at the beach and take naps and play again! Then we'd eat dinner and people watch from the balconies. I think Elias really enjoyed the kareoke nights. He took his chair and a blanket out and was completely entertained until he fell asleep. It was cute. Anyway, we had a great time and enjoyed playing with our kids and spending time together. God really blessed us with this get away.
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