Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas card pictures

(Scroll all the way down to where the red shirts stop and you will see the good picture we will use!)

So I have been working on our picture night. Last night we went and got the girls and I red shirts so we could all match. That went well, and then came tonight...Things started out okay and then when Dan came in with a girl from church to snap the pictures Anna and Jonah decided not to coopearate. Below I mention how they started out that way. As you can see from the pictures directly below it didn't go so well at first. Anna & Jonah wouldn't smile, my hair looks funny on one side and trying to get 6 people all smiling and looking at the same time is nearly impossible. Then while Leigh Ann (the girl from church who was helping us) was taking the pictures the camera batteries died. And of course she had to leave, I couldn't see the pictures she had taken and the clock was ticking closer to 9 pm with each passing tick! It's funny how in my mind I think things will be quick and easy but they never go that way in real life. It's a joyus thing to have our children in our lives but on nights like this when we want their cooperation all at once I question my sanity in wanting this family. I wouldn't trade them for the world but I was wondering what I was thinking as the sweat was begining to collect on my face. To finish about the pictures...Dan came to my recuse with some back up batteries and we were able to bribe cooperation out of them! The pictures at the end are the good ones we will actually use! (as a side note, you can obviously see that we were in front of our tree but notice how there are no lights or decorations on it yet! we've been so busy that we haven't been able to get our decorations out or up! I just thought it was funny that we were in front of an undecorated tree.)

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Lobsterfamilyof5 said...

love the pics, all of them! I cant find your email. I need to send you a great story that you will appreciate.

Dan and Tammy said...

I like the undecorated tree!

Libby Juarez said...

Love the pictures. We only had one baby to try and get cooperation from - and that was a struggle. He looks very unhappy in ours, but oh well! =) Merry Christmas.