Our oldest son, Elias, is six today. It's hard to believe that the little baby we brought home not that long ago is now 6! He is a sweet, boy who has brought many joyous moments to our life and our house. He posses a great ability to make those around him become f

riends with him. He has a heart for the Lord and wants to please those around him. He's gone from a quiet, observant baby boy to a vocal (not loud just vocal) boy who doesn't miss a beat. His kindergarten teacher told me he never lets her forget anything. Which is what happens here too. :) He loves his bible story time and he has memorized some scripture that

makes us so proud. It's amazing this kind of love you can have for a child and how it increases as your relationship increase and as you watch them grow. We have added 3 more kids to our family in these past 6 years and each one of them is special. Elias is the best big brother and friend to the other 3 kids. He loves Jonah and they have a special friendship that gets better as the days pass. It's great to see them as friends now who fight much less than they used to. Of course we still have to do a little separating at times but they love each other. And he is the sweetest he can be to his sisters. He is always hugging & kissing them and treating them like princesses. I can't wait to continue to watch him grow and mature. He is learning so much and changing and the years are passing so quickly. Dan and I talk about how we can't believe we have 4 kids now and a 6 year old. The Lord has truly blessed our home with each one of them. We are so thankful that we have been given the task to raise a family. I pray that Elias is a shining example of that blessing and the love we have for our family and the Lord. Thanks for listening--or reading--my ramblings. Sorry if none of it made sense. :)
Here is a slide show of just some pictures from the last 6 years. Enjoy!