Sunday, April 19, 2009
White Kids
I just love these White kids!! Being their mommy is one of my favorite things. I am truely blessed by them, even though some days are more challenging than I think they should be. I enjoy being their parent, with Dan's help, and am really enjoying watching them change and grow. I am sad that my boys are just that, big boys, now. No baby left in them. I have had many people we know who haven't seen them recently tell us that the hardly recognized the boys because they are so grown up. Elias will pass me in height in no time and Jonah won't be far behind. I am really loving the time I get with all of them and the blessing we have in and through our kids.
First Time

A few weeks ago for Spring Break we went on a family vacation. We actually went to the mountains but we had to make a stop before in Jacksonville to meet Aunt Becky's fiance, Mike. It was great meeting him and visiting but, I digress from the pictures. (sorry i just can't tell a story without some details...if you know me at all you know that's just who i am!) Okay, so while we were there we took a ride out to the beach. Elizabeth had never "walked" in the sand before. She had been to the beach on several occaions but her memory did serve her well. She was not sure what to make of the gritty, cold stuff between her toes at first. But after a few minutes she adjusted well. She was cute walking around trying to figure it out.
Always Running
One of my favorite things about Jonah is that when we are at the beach he is always on the run. It's so cute, he hits the sand running and doesn't stop until it's time to go. Wether it's chasing birds, brothers, crabs, waves, balls or people he just simply runs. I wish that as a grown up I could, first have that much energy and, second, to be so carefree that I could just run without stopping while at the beach. I hope he grows up with wonderful memories of running at the beach.
2nd Lost tooth
Elias lost his second tooth our first day of vacation! He's such a big boy! And a great big brother.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Congratulations My Friend
I just wanted to post a picture of my wonderful friend and her Fiance'! Yep, Becky's engaged. This is Mike Waldron and he wonderful! They are planning an August 1st wedding. I am so happy for my friend. We have prayed for the perect match for her and here he is. We love him already. I love you my dear friend! Congratulations!!
Easter 2009
Don't you love a cute little hiney and look at the laugh Jonah is doing...gotta love the carefree laughter of kids!
We need a bigger "baby soup" for Elizabeth!
Just relaxing like Daddy!
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